

2012. Critics and Commentators: The Book of Poems as Classic and Literature. Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series 81. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center.


2024 (in press). Zhang Yingyu. More Swindles from the Late Ming: Sex, Scams, and Sorcery. Translated, and with notes and introduction by, Bruce Rusk and Christopher G. Rea. Translations from the Asian Classics. New York: Columbia University Press.

2017. Zhang Yingyu. The Book of Swindles: Selections from a Late Ming Collection. Translated, and with notes and introduction by, Christopher G. Rea and Bruce Rusk. Translations from the Asian Classics. New York: Columbia University Press. 2017.

Edited Volumes and Journal Section

2025 (forthcoming). Between the People and the State: Chinese Statecraft from Early Ming to Xi Jinping. Edited by Timothy Cheek, Bruce Rusk, and Shoufu Yin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2025 (forthcoming). Knowing China in a Modern World, 4-article special section of Oriens Extremus. Edited and with an introduction by Bruce Rusk.

2021. Literary Information in China: A History. Edited by Chen, Jack Wei, Anatoly Detwyler, Xiao Liu, Christopher M. B. Nugent, and Bruce Rusk. New York: Columbia University Press.

Articles and Chapters

2025 (forthcoming). With Timothy Cheek and Shoufu Yin. Introduction to Between the People and the State: Chinese Statecraft from Early Ming to Xi Jinping. Edited by Timothy Cheek, Bruce Rusk, and Shoufu Yin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2024 (forthcoming). As Ruan Side 阮思德. “Jiazhi yu xiaodu: yipo dizhi wanqi Zhongguo de baiyin” 價值與效度:識破帝制晚期中國的白銀. Translated by Chien-cho Chan詹前倬. Zhong-wai luntan 中外論壇 (East West Forum). Translation of “Value and Validity” (2020).

2022. “Forged of Paper: The Busy Afterlives of Xuande Incense Burners.” In Posthumous Art, Law and the Art Market, edited by Sharon Hecker and Peter J. Karol, 121–30. New York: Routledge.

2021. “Introduction: For a History of Literary Information in China.” With Jack W. Chen, Anatoly Detwyler, Xiao Liu, and Christopher M. B. Nugent. In Literary Information in China: A History, edited by Chen, Detwyler, Liu, Nugent, and Rusk, xxi–xxxiv. New York: Columbia University Press.

2021. “Early to Middle Period Classical Commentaries.” With Michael Nylan. In Literary Information in China: A History, edited by Chen, Detwyler, Liu, Nugent, and Rusk, 145–57. New York: Columbia University Press.

2021. “Writer’s Block or Printer’s Block: The Book and Its Openings in Early Modern China.” In Impagination: Layout and Materiality of Writing and Publication, edited by Ku-ming (Kevin) Chang, Anthony Grafton, and Glenn Warren Most, 273–300. Berlin: De Gruyter.

2021. “Xylography.” In Information: A Historical Companion, edited by Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silvia Goeing, and Anthony Grafton, 828–31. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

2020. “Value and Validity: Seeing through Silver in Late Imperial China.” In Powerful Arguments: Standards of Validity in Late Imperial China, edited by Martin Hofmann, Joachim Kurtz, and Ari Daniel Levine, 471–501. Sinica Leidensia. Leiden: Brill.

2015. “Where the Truth Lies: Evidence and Argument in Late Imperial Debates about the Great Learning.” In Lectures et Usages de La Grande Étude, edited by Damien Morier-Genoud and Anne Cheng, 187–96. Paris: College de France / Institut des hautes études chinoises. 2015.

2012. “Artifacts of Authentication: People Making Texts Making Things in Ming-Qing China.” In Antiquarianism and Intellectual Life in Europe and China, 1500–1800, edited by Peter N. Miller and François Louis, 180–204. Cultural Histories of the Material World. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

2008. “An Interpolation in Zhong Hong’s Shipin.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 128, no. 3 (2008): 553–57.

2007. “Old Scripts, New Actors: European Encounters with Chinese Writing, 1500–1700.” East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine, no. 26 (2007): 68–116.

2006. “Not Written in Stone: Ming Readers of the Great Learning and the Impact of Forgery.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 66, no. 1 (2006): 189–231.


2022. “Concepts of Authentication in Premodern China.” Chinese Studies. Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford University Press.

Digital Publications and Contributions

2018–2023. Multiple training videos and text guides on data collection and metadata production for From the Ground Up: Buddhism and East Asian Religions.

2017–2024. Creator (352 records) and/or editor of metadata and data from fieldwork by research clusters in From the Ground Up: Buddhism and East Asian Religions, Open Collections, UBC Library.

2017. “Ming Government Official Titles: A Crowd-Translation Project,” published as Chinese-English Dictionary of Ming Government Official Titles. Edited by Li Ni, Susan Xue, Xue Zhaohui, and Ying Zhang. University of California. 20+ entries.

2015. Photographic contributor, American Numismatic Society, Chinese collection. Ca. 20 records.

2015. UBC Museum of Anthropology collections database. Multiple record updates

2014. Photographic contributor, British Museum collection database, Moneys and Medals section. Ca. 50 records.

Book Reviews

2022. The Making of Barbarians: Chinese Literature and Multilingual Asia, by Haun Saussy.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 49, no. 4 (December 2022): 460–65.

2022. “The Promise and Peril of Things: Literature and Material Culture in Late Imperial China, by Wai-yee Li.” Journal of Chinese History 7, No. 1 (July, 2022): 1–3.

2020. “Chinese History: A New Manual. 5th ed., by Endymion Wilkinson.” The Journal of Asian Studies 79, no. 2 (May 2020): 483–88.

2020. “Bronze and Stone: The Cult of Antiquity in Song Dynasty China, by Yun-Chiahn C. Sena.” Journal of Chinese Studies 70 (January 2020): 248–53.

2019. “Li Mengyang, the North-South Divide, and Literati Learning in Ming China, by Chang Woei Ong.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 79 (2019): 375–78.

2018. “Symptoms of an Unruly Age: Li Zhi and Cultures of Early Modernity, by Rebecca Handler-Spitz.” Chinese Studies 漢學研究 36, no. 4 (December 2018): 317–22.

2018. “The Art of Being Governed: Everyday Politics in Late Imperial China, by Michael Szonyi.” The China Quarterly 235 (September 2018): 909–11.

2015. “World Antiquarianism: Comparative Perspectives edited by Alain Schnapp, Lothar von Falkenhausen, Peter N. Miller, and Tim Murray.” East Asian Publishing and Society 5, no. 1 (November, 2015): 139–43.

2010. “Graphics and Text in the Production of Technical Knowledge in China: The Warp and the Weft, edited by Francesca Bray, Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann, and Georges Métailié.” Revue de Synthèse, Sinica Leidensia, 131, no. 6/3 (2010): 477–79.

2005. “Publishing, Culture, and Power in Early Modern China, by Kai-wing Chow.” The Chinese Historical Review 12, no. 1 (2005): 155–59.